Friday, October 1, 2010

Rainy Daze

I thought these were photographs when I saw them. But Gregory Thielker uses oils to paint these amazing pieces!

From the KoiKoiKoi website: "His oil on canvas artworks depict rainy days viewed from inside a car so realistically that you can almost feel the wet and cold weather, looking at them. The realism in his work is not just in his stunning technique, but also in the way the paintings can give you the peaceful and melancholic feeling of a car trip under a pouting rain. Welcome Autumn."

“The paintings themselves are compiled from hundreds of photographs taken while driving in rainstorms with the windshield wipers turned off. While these moments are commonly ignored or deemed a necessary part of reaching our desired destination, they are powerfully charged with weather, light, and color- all experienced at a great velocity. This combination of speed and subdued calm, as the world goes past, creates a kind of transcendental moment that I hope to tap into with the fluidity of the painting medium.”

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